Bridal Guide (R) Magazine's How to Plan the Perfect Wedding...Without Going Broke Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Bridal Guide (R) Magazine's How to Plan the Perfect Wedding...Without Going Broke Book

Most women spend years dreaming about their wedding day-the dress, the cake, the flowers, the hall. Unfortunately, that dream wedding can be unbelievably expensive. Is it possible to have a beautiful wedding without spending your entire savings? BRIDAL GUIDE's invaluable planner explains exactly how to get married in high style at a low cost. The guide offers a comprehensive rundown for every stage of the wedding and reception planning, and helpful charts, checklists, and calendars. Also included are hundreds of practical, money-saving strategies such as comparison shopping and negotiating with wedding suppliers, creating personalized decorations and invitations, and finding seasonal deals for honeymoon travel. This book is a must for anyone trying to stick to a budget-and still plan the perfect wedding.Read More

from£18.99 | RRP: £17.32
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £9.15
  • 0446678201
  • 9780446678209
  • Bridal Guide Magazine's
  • 1 January 2003
  • Grand Central Publishing
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 320
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