Bridge in the Clouds (Magician's House Quartet) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Bridge in the Clouds (Magician's House Quartet) Book

It is deep autumn and William Mary and Alice Constant have returned to Golden House for the half-term holidays. At once they are thrown into the most crucial and desperate adventure of all. Matthew Morden is on the point of discovering for himself the art of time travel and his evil influence is permeating the whole valley. Ages 9-11 years.Read More

from£8.08 | RRP: £5.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.63
  • Product Description

    A totally engrossing and atmospheric series, full of secrets, magic and time travel.

    William, Mary and Alice encounter a magician from another time who gives them magical powers and sets them on important tasks.

    William, Mary and Alice travel back to the magician’s time where they find the magician old and ill, and his powers waning. Trying to help, they inadvertently help evil Morden’s spirit enter their time. Will this mean the end of Golden Valley and the end of their magic?

  • 0099482193
  • 9780099482192
  • William Corlett
  • 7 April 2005
  • Red Fox
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 229
  • New edition
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