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Brilliant Tactics to Pass Aptitude Tests: Psychometric, Numeracy, Verbal Reasoning and Many More Book
Selection tests are now common in interviews and this book covers everything you need to know from knowing what the tests are used for to how to do well in them. This book explains why employers put you through these hoops, and why you shouldn't worry about them. It offers ways for you to prepare for, survive and improve your selection test results, assess your own ability and learn how test results are weighted against other selection methods. This book will include comments from employers who use the tests, psychologists who design them, and applicants who have faced them. This book provides reassurance and plenty of genuine work-through examples. It covers everything right down to test anxiety, test simulations and misuse of tests.Read More
from£7.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £2.73
- 0273714945
- 9780273714941
- Mrs Susan Hodgson
- 5 December 2007
- Prentice Hall
- Hardcover (Book)
- 261
- 2
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