Britain: 1939-64: Foreign and Imperial Affairs (Access to History) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Britain: 1939-64: Foreign and Imperial Affairs (Access to History) Book

This is the sequel to Alan Farmer's book covering foreign and imperial affairs from 1919-39. This new title covers the period from the outbreak of World War II to the coning to power of the Wilson Government. In particular, Britain's relations with Europe, the Empire/Commonwealth and the USA is investigated, and the roles of Churchill, Atlee, Bevin, Eden and Macmillan assessed. The book covers areas which have been the subject of much recent, sometimes controversial study (e.g. Charmley's Churchill biography). It provides the usual "Access" series features, giving extensive student guidance.Read More

from£9.43 | RRP: £6.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.65
  • 0340592567
  • 9780340592564
  • Alan Farmer
  • 3 February 1994
  • Hodder Arnold H&S
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 144
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