Buffy the Vampire Slayer Cassette + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Cassette

Readers expecting something special from this first hardback Buffy novel won't be disappointed. The regular pairing of Christopher Golden and Nancy Holder has produced an excellent story that pits Buffy against an immortal vampire.Whenever she is staked, Veronique's personality returns in the body of the next vampire to rise in her vicinity. This immortality is a gift from the Triumvirate, a powerful evil created from the joining of three lesser demons. Veronique has spent centuries trying to bring them into this world, and now she has almost succeeded. Her arrival in Sunnydale triggers a spate of deaths, disappearances and grave robbings as she prepares for the final ritual.As if this is not enough for Buffy to contend with, her mother is seriously ill, and faces an operation. Angel tries to support her, but his own eternal youth seems to mock her as she faces up not only to the possibility of losing her mother but also to her heightened awareness of the short life expectancy of Slayers. The juxtaposition of these two storylines creates an effective emotional resonance that gives this scary, and in places gruesome, novel depth as well as excitement. --Liz SourbutRead More

from£14.56 | RRP: £8.61
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
  • 0671046551
  • 9780671046552
  • Golden & Holder
  • 1 October 1999
  • Simon & Schuster Ltd
  • Audio Cassette (Cassette)
  • abridged edition
  • Abridged, Audiobook
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