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Building Control Systems Book
An introductory non-technical text for four-year architecture students of environmental control systems. Designed as an alternative to other, more "heavy-handed" texts, Building is more concise, less engineering-orientated and more relevant to basic concepts in the architectural design process and what an architect needs to understand in order to communicate and coordinate with consultants in many disciplines. Topics covered include the theoretical bases for thermal control, active and passive systems to control the thermal environment, electrical systems, plumbing systems, fire protection, noise control and methods for making design decisions.Read More
from£78.97 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £43.01
- 0471871664
- 9780471871668
- Vaughn Bradshaw
- 30 April 1985
- John Wiley & Sons
- Hardcover (Book)
- 622
- First Printing
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