CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch


CONSUMER BEHAVIOR, 10th Edition offers a practical, business approach, designed to help students apply consumer behavior principles to their studies in business and marketing, to their future business careers, and also to their private lives, as consumers. This multi-disciplinary field can tempt both students and instructors to stray from the basic business principles they should take away from the course. Blackwell keeps students focused on consumer decision making as it applies specifically to an overall understanding of business theory and practices through the CDP (Consumer Decision Process) model. CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 10e focuses on why as well as how consumers make specific decisions and behave in certain ways - what motivates them, what captures their attention, and what retains their loyalty, turning "customers" into "fans" of an organization.Read More

from£72.46 | RRP: £33.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £16.79
  • 0324271972
  • 9780324271973
  • 30 April 2004
  • International Thomson Publishing
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 774
  • 10th Ed
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