Calvinism in Europe, 1540-1620 Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Calvinism in Europe, 1540-1620 Book

Calvinism was the most dynamic and disruptive religious force of the later sixteenth century. Its emergence on the international scene shattered the precarious equilibrium established during the Reformation, and precipitated three generations of religious warfare. This collection of original essays, newly available in paperback, looks at the impact of Calvin's writings, Calvinism in higher education, Calvinist discipline and apocalyptic thought, and the shadowy affinity of merchants and scholars who formed a critical part of the 'Calvinist International'.Read More

from£35.37 | RRP: £21.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £6.64
  • 0521574528
  • 9780521574525
  • 13 July 1996
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 296
  • New Ed
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