Can't Remember What I Forgot: Your Memory, Your Mind, Your Future Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Can't Remember What I Forgot: Your Memory, Your Mind, Your Future Book

Behind the Scenes of Cutting-Edge Memory ResearchWhen Sue Halpern decided to emulate the ?rst modern scientist of memory, Hermann Ebbinghaus, who experimented on himself, she had no idea that after a day of radioactive testing, her brain would become so “hot” that leaving through the front door of the lab would trigger the alarm. This was not the ?rst time while researching Can’t Remember What I Forgot that Halpern had her head examined, nor would it be the last. Like many of us who have had a relative or friend succumb to memory loss, who are getting older, and who are hearing statistics about our own chances of falling victim to dementia, Halpern wanted to ?nd out what the experts really knew, how close science is to a cure, to treatment, to accurate early diagnosis, and, of course, read more...
from£N/A | RRP: £10.36
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