China's Warlords (Oxford in Asia Paperbacks) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

China's Warlords (Oxford in Asia Paperbacks) Book

The warlord period--from 1912 until roughly the beginning of the Second World War--is one of the most extraordinary and colorful in the whole of Chinese history. Yet most English-language studies of the period have focused on either individual warlords or on warlords as a socio-political phenomonon. This book describes the careers and characters of a number of warlords, locating them in history as regards their politics, methods, military prowess, life-style, ethics, and ideals. Frequent reference is made to the economic and social conditions which accompanied warlordism in China, but this is primarily a book about a group of historical figures rather than a social history. Included here are Yuan Shikai, who shared leadership of the Republic with Sun Yatsen before attempting in 1917 read more...
from£N/A | RRP: £10.99
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