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Class Book

The English have been and always will be obsessed by class, even though they may not realize it. And Jilly Cooper has put an accurate, acerbic, and wickedly funny finger on the idiosyncracies of the English at home, whether it be in their castles, their nice villas in Weybridge, or in their high rise council flats. In Class we study the peculiar habits and mores of all classes - at play, at school, at work, during courtship and marriage rituals, even the way they dress, eat, and conduct their sex lives. Here we have Harry and Caroline Stow-Crat who love their dogs more than each other, Gideon and Samantha Upward who drink too much and are always in respectable middle-class debt, and here, too, are the wonderful Nouveau Richards, whose luxury homes are in execrable taste but blissfully comforatble with their chandeliers in the loo.Read More

from£18.88 | RRP: £13.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £7.56
  • 0413373606
  • 9780413373601
  • Jilly Cooper
  • 1 October 1979
  • Methuen Publishing Ltd
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 300
  • Second Reprint.
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