Classical Music (Teach Yourself Educational) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Classical Music (Teach Yourself Educational) Book

"Teach Yourself Classical Music" is a clear, concise yet comprehensive introduction to the world of classical music for the newcomer. It takes your listening experience as the starting point and fills in factual details along the way. New topics are introduced step by step and are always presented from the listener's point of view. These topics include: Listening to music: developing skills, What is classical music?; The architecture of music: forms and structures, Historical background: different periods and different styles, The instruments of the orchestra; and Starting a collection of recorded music. Examples from well-known pieces are examined in a clear and non-technical way. Whether you dip into "Teach Yourself Classical Music" from time to time or read it straight through, you will feel that your musical horizons have been broadened and that you have gained the knowledge and confidence to extend your musical experiences further. An accompanying CD offers key extracts from well-known and important works, to enhance your enjoyment and knowledge even further.Read More

from£20.23 | RRP: £14.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.25
  • 0340867485
  • 9780340867488
  • Stephen Collins
  • 29 August 2003
  • Teach Yourself Books
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 176
  • New edition
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