Classrooms as Learning Communities: What's in it for Schools? Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Classrooms as Learning Communities: What's in it for Schools? Book

In classrooms that operate as learning communities, the social and learning purposes advance together through all participants being involved and engaged in building...Read More

from£32.47 | RRP: £17.99
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  • Product Description

    In classrooms that operate as learning communities, the social and learning purposes advance together through all participants being involved and engaged in building knowledge. This book demonstrates a new way of seeing and managing classrooms through:

    • an integration of what's best in learning and what's best in the social life of classrooms
    • a vision of the role of the teacher that is more creative and more related to the commitments of teachers
    • a more connected view of schools in contrast to the mechanistic view that currently dominates
    • an answer to the short-term performance pressures of politicians - better performance.

    The practice and vision of classrooms that operate as learning communities is presented clearly and encourages teachers to take steps towards building a more effective classroom with the aspects of learning communities they choose.

  • 0415327806
  • 9780415327800
  • Chris Watkins
  • 26 May 2005
  • Routledge
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 248
  • 1
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