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College Algebra Book

Form is related to function. An airplane wing has the form it does because of its lifting function. The pillars of the Parthenon and the girders of a skyscraper are shaped to the purpose of supporting their massive structures. Similarly, the form of an algebraic expression or equation reflects its function. Algebra: Form and Function Preliminary Edition introduces each function--linear, power, quadratic, exponential, polynomial--and presents a study of the basic form of expressions for that function. Readers are encouraged to examine the basic forms, see how they are constructed, and consider the role of each component. Throughout the text, there are Tools sections placed at the ends of chapters to help readers acquire the skills they need to perform basic algebraic manipulations.Read More

from£63.43 | RRP: £0.50
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £10.61
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