Collins Big Cat - On Safari: Band 15/Emerald: Band 15/Emerald Phase 7, Bk. 8 Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Collins Big Cat - On Safari: Band 15/Emerald: Band 15/Emerald Phase 7, Bk. 8 Book

What's it really like to go on safari? What do you take? What will you find? Go on a journey with Jonathan and Angela Scott to the famous game parks of Kenya, and discover the excitement, the wonder and the dangers of travelling into the wild.Read More

from£7.25 | RRP: £5.15
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.21
  • Foyles

    Build your child’s reading confidence at home with books at the right levelWhat's it really like to go on safari? What do you take? What will you find? Go on a journey with Jonathan and Angela Scott to the famous game parks of Kenya, and discover the excitement, the wonder and the dangers of travelling into the wild.Emerald/Band 15 books provide a widening range of genres including science fiction and biography, prompting more ways to respond to texts.Text type: A non-chronological report.The diary entry of a day on safari on pages 46-47 provides a fascinating example for children of being on safari.Additional information retrieval devices such as a glossary and index can be evaluated for their usefulness as children develop critical reading skills.Curriculum links: Geography: Passport to the world; Art and Design: Journeys; Citizenship: Animals and us.This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.

  • Pickabook

    John Scott, Angela Scott, Cliff Moon

  • 0007231253
  • 9780007231256
  • John Scott, Angela Scott
  • 1 September 2009
  • Collins Educational
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 48
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