Color Atlas of Human Anatomy Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Color Atlas of Human Anatomy Book

This is a revised and redesigned second edition of McMinn's "A Colour Atlas of Human Anatomy", first published in 1977. This edition retains many of the original features - all structures are life-size, and the work contains not only dissections but bones, surface anatomy and radiographic material from the skull to the feet, including the brain. New features include 125 new photographs, 80 new dissections to replace some of the older museum examples, a new labelling system, more up-to-date imaging techniques with greater use of CT scans, ultrasound, monochrome X-rays and MRI and updated notes and references. Short commentaries on individual specimens are now also included. The introduction has been extended to include full colour photographs of the complete skeleton, veins and muscle structures. The appendix at the back of the book contains reference lists of vessels, nerves, muscles and skull formina, with illustrations of the whole skeleton and of the principal vessels and nerves. The book is aimed at students of anatomy world-wide, pre-clinical, medical and dental students, post-graduate surgical students, nurses and paramedics, students of physical education, lawyers, embalmers and human biology teachers. There is an accompanying slide set. Published simultaneously with "A Colour Atlas of Human Dissection" by Colin Chumbley and Ralph Hutchings, the two works are cross-referenced throughout.Read More

from£52.78 | RRP: £31.19
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £16.42
  • 0815158343
  • 9780815158349
  • R. M. H. McMimm, R. T. Hutchings
  • 1 June 1985
  • Mosby-Year Book
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 351
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