Composing Music: A New Approach Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Composing Music: A New Approach Book

Composing Music : Paperback : The University of Chicago Press : 9780226732169 : 0226732169 : 02 May 2011 : Aimed at those who have some knowledge of music but not formal training in composition, this concise introduction to composing starts right in with a brief composition exercise, then proceeds step by step through a series of increasingly complex and challenging problems, gradually expanding the student's musical grammar. "This is a wonderful book for anyone who is developing improvising skills or who would like a fun way to explore music.""&;Jim Stockford, Co-Evolution Quarterly..."Read More

from£14.99 | RRP: £19.50
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £12.18
  • Foyles

    Aimed at those who have some knowledge of music but not formal training in composition, this concise introduction to composing starts right in with a brief composition exercise, then proceeds step by step through a series of increasingly complex and challenging problems, gradually expanding the student's musical grammar. "This is a wonderful book for anyone who is developing improvising skills or who would like a fun way to explore music."--Jim Stockford, Co-Evolution Quarterly

  • Pickabook

    William Russo, Jeffrey Ainis, David Stevenson

  • 0226732169
  • 9780226732169
  • Russo
  • 1 February 1988
  • Chicago University Press
  • Plastic Comb (Book)
  • 240
  • Reprinted edition
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