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Comprehensive School Health Education: Totally Awesome Strategies for Teaching Health Book
Comprehensive School Health Education, second edition continues to be the most thorough textbook and resource for helping elementary, middle, and secondary teachers teach health. It is the most widely used health education methods textbook and Teacher Resource Book for Health Education. Students who use this in a methods class keep it and use it when they student teach and when they secure a teaching position. This comprehensive Teacher Resource Book was co-authored by the nation's most prolific K-12 health education authors and is the only text that contains a curriculum guide directly tied to the National Health Education Standards. The book is divided into five parts--Part one provides a framework for comprehensive school health education, Part two covers health content, Part three looks at teaching strategies, Part four is a health resource guide and Part five is a curriculum guide. The book is three-hole punched for easy use and reference. The book is three-hole punched for easy use and reference.Read More
from£123.64 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £22.25
- 0072521309
- 9780072521306
- Linda Brower Meeks, Philip Heit, Randy M. Page
- 1 July 2002
- Mcgraw-Hill (Tx)
- Paperback (Book)
- 1020
- 3rd
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