Concise Mrs Beeton Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Concise Mrs Beeton Book

An easy-to-use guide to food preparation, preparing practical recipes and good eating, this concise book draws heavily on the well-known reference "Mrs Beeton's Book of Cookery and Household Management". It also contains useful advice on cooking ahead, freezing and microwave cooking. Mrs Beeton's cookbook set out to instruct those new to cooking, and to encourage and give confidence to the less experienced cook, while inspiring those familiar with the basic principles of cooking and entertaining. Special techniques are clearly explained, and colour photographs of finished dishes offer helpful serving ideas. Important aspects of household management such as safety and first aid are also included, as well as information on social customs relating to dining and entertaining.Read More

from£17.53 | RRP: £12.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £15.56
  • 0706377621
  • 9780706377620
  • Mrs. Beeton
  • 24 September 1998
  • Weidenfeld & Nicolson
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 1036
  • New ed of concise ed
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