Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: The Shocking Story of How America Really Took Over the World Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: The Shocking Story of How America Really Took Over the World Book

As an EHM in the '60s and '70s, covertly recruited by the US National Security Agency, John Perkins helped further American imperial interests in countries such as Ecuador, Panama, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. He tried to write this book four times but was threatened or bribed each time to halt. The events of 9/11 forced him to reveal the truth.Read More

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  • BookDepository

    Confessions of an Economic Hit Man : Paperback : Ebury Publishing : 9780091909109 : 0091909104 : 02 Feb 2006 : As an Economic Hit Man (EHM), John Perkins helped further American imperial interests in countries such as Ecuador, Panama, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. The events of 9/11 - a direct result of the activities of EHMs in the 1970s - finally forced him to confront the role he played himself, and to reveal the truth to the rest of the world.

  • Foyles

    As an Economic Hit Man (EHM), John Perkins helped further American imperial interests in countries such as Ecuador, Panama, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. The events of...

  • 0091909104
  • 9780091909109
  • John Perkins
  • 2 February 2006
  • Ebury Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 256
  • New edition
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