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Corporate Renaissance: The Fine Art of Re-engineering Book
This text argues that the re-engineering movement of today improves on the prevailing wisdom of traditional business models and is driven by expectations and a pursuit of excellence beyond the capabilities of current business theory and practice. After re-examination of customer needs, industry, markets and technology, business leaders must impart a clear vision and perspective on meeting needs in the market-place with new processes. This book is designed for executives and managers who need to redesign business systems and organizations that are fundamentally out of touch with market realities.Read More
from£36.29 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.79
- 1557864713
- 9781557864710
- Kelvin Cross, John Feather, Richard Lynch
- 1 March 1995
- Wiley-Blackwell
- Paperback (Book)
- 336
- illustrated edition
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