Corrosion and Chemistry of Metal Surfaces (Engineering Sciences : Materials) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Corrosion and Chemistry of Metal Surfaces (Engineering Sciences : Materials) Book

Providing a carefully developed and comprehensive overview of the corrosion chemistry of metallic materials, this book covers the principal methods of corrosion prevention. It includes a systematic study of the physical chemistry of the surface supported by state-of-the-art analysis methods. The author builds a scientific foundation by developing thermodynamics and kinetics of electrode-electrolyte interaction and other surface processes. This allows him to analyze and derive the models that are used in the study of corrosion for metals and their alloys, including electrochemical attack, high-temperature oxidation, passivity, atmospheric corrosion, as well as the roles of wear and strain.Read More

from£145.82 | RRP: £76.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £128.75
  • 0849382335
  • 9780849382338
  • Dieter Landolt
  • 2 May 2007
  • EFPL Press
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 400
  • 1
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