Creating the Perfect Body 4 You Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Creating the Perfect Body 4 You Book

Creating the Perfect Body 4 YOU” will show you how to release any extra weight from your body naturally and organically without restrictive diets, counting calories or mindless workouts. The simple Three Step Process focuses on Thinking in Balance so you clear about what you want from your body; Eating in Balance so the quality of the food you put in your body works efficiently with your body; and Moving your Body in Balance with purpose doing what you enjoy, so you use that stored energy to create what you desire in your life. This is NOT a diet plan, but a very common sense approach to gaining and maintaining overall wellness for a Lifetime Wishing You Wellness!Read More

from£18.89 | RRP: £10.14
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
  • 1439220352
  • 9781439220351
  • H. Alan Campbell
  • 10 February 2009
  • Booksurge Llc
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 156
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