Credit and Collection Handbook Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Credit and Collection Handbook Book

This book was written for the working credit professional. It is intended to help credit professionals prevent problems by: ? Shortening the learning curve in areas new to the reader, ? By reducing or eliminating the necessity to learn on-the-job by trial and error ? By presenting ideas as clearly and concisely as possible without being superficial ? By differentiating between business credit and consumer credit, and explaining the differences in the laws affecting consumer and commercial credit granters. A complete table of contents and a useful index are included for easy reference. Within each chapter are numerous sub-headings to help you find the information you need as quickly as possible. And what?s more, you don?t have to read the entire book. Read only those chapters that interest you.Read More

from£62.76 | RRP: £46.49
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £31.75
  • 0130827835
  • 9780130827838
  • Dennis
  • 18 November 1999
  • Prentice Hall
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 644
  • 1
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