Crisis Intervention and Trauma: New Approaches to Evidence-Based Practice (Issues in the Practice of Psychology) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Crisis Intervention and Trauma: New Approaches to Evidence-Based Practice (Issues in the Practice of Psychology) Book

This book provides a practical guide to crisis intervention. It emphasizes the role of violence, patient suicide, long-term sequelae of trauma, clinical assessment and risk management, professional boundaries and burn-out, and the neurophysiology of trauma, as well as the needs of underserved patient populations including minority group members, older adults, gays and lesbians, and children. It features critical reviews of controversial topics, including EMDR, critical incident stress debriefing, recovered memories, dissociative identity disorder, and alternative medicine.Read More

from£112.33 | RRP: £70.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.94
  • 0306473410
  • 9780306473418
  • Jennifer L. Hillman
  • 30 September 2002
  • Springer
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 319
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