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Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century Book
Recommends a sweeping redesign of the American health care system. This work provides principles for specific direction for policymakers, health care leaders, clinicians, regulators, and purchasers. It offers a set of performance expectations for the 21st century health care system and 10 rules to guide patient-clinician relationships.Read More
from£31.53 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £6.81
Second in a series of publications from the Institute of Medicine's Quality of Health Care in America projectToday's health care providers have more research findings and more technology available to them than ever before. Yet recent reports have...
Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine
- 0309072808
- 9780309072809
- Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine
- 18 July 2001
- National Academies Press
- Hardcover (Book)
- 360
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