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Cultures of Ageing: Self, Citizen and the Body Book
For undergraduate courses in sociology and psychology which examine ageing adulthood. This book focuses on the dramatic changes to the nature of post-retirement life experienced by people at the end of the twentieth century. It examines age and ageing in terms of the key preoccupations of contemporary sociology - citizenship, the body and the self. The book provides a platform for a new social gerontology that sees ageing as central to our understanding of social change. It examines social, cultural and political changes in Europe and North America to address the need for a text that moves the study of ageing from social policy towards the mainstream of social science.Read More
from£51.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.25
- 0582356415
- 9780582356412
- Dr Chris Gilleard, Dr Paul Higgs
- 22 September 2000
- Prentice Hall
- Paperback (Book)
- 219
- 1
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