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Daisy, Dad and the Huge, Small Surprise (Ally's World) Book
Love is in the air! Billy and Sandie are getting a bit sick-makingly gooey, Grandma and Stanley are getting hitched, and Dad and Tor's new teacher are getting along just a little too well...As for me, Rowan and Linn, we're just getting scared-Grandma's told us our bridesmaid get-up has to be pastel-coloured. Pastel? Blee! But a looming fashion disaster isn't the main thing that's bothering me-I can't help feeling someone important's been forgotten inall this love stuff. Er, Mum, for example?Read More
from£N/A | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 0439982022
- 9780439982023
- Karen McCombie
- 21 February 2003
- Scholastic
- Paperback (Book)
- 192
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