Dark Dreamers (Carpathian Novels) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Dark Dreamers (Carpathian Novels) Book

DARK DREAM Christine Feehan She?s known him since she was fifteen. Every night, he is with her: his face, his voice. Tonight, Sara Marten will meet the man who is both angel and demon, salvation and temptation: Falcon?the Carpathian, the banished hero. Tonight, Sara will meet the dark-eyed destroyer destined to be her mate. A DREAM OF STONE & SHADOW Marjorie M. Liu There are those who do terrible things in this world, and those who simply watch. Charlie would do neither. Imprisoned, his only release is through his own destruction?or through Aggie Durand. Sweet as a kiss or a rescued child, she is the one dream he does not dare desire. As an agent of Dirk & Steele, she could be his salvation. Today, Charlie?s dream is waking.Read More

from£8.30 | RRP: £5.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.63
  • 0843956879
  • 9780843956870
  • Christine Feehan, Marjorie M Liu
  • 29 September 2006
  • Leisure Books
  • Mass Market Paperback (Book)
  • 342
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