Dark Revelations (Silhouette Bombshell) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Dark Revelations (Silhouette Bombshell) Book

"HE WILL KILL YOU BEFORE HE EVER LETS YOU GO."She'd become an obsession to the patriarch of the deadly and powerful Adriano family—but not for the reasons she'd thought. For Aubrey de Lune, aka antiquities thief Dr. Ginny Moon, had ties to a legacy that could finally bring the Adrianos to justice. She had to escape from the golden cage in which they'd entrapped her. Millions of lives depended on it. But how?With no options left, Aubrey went on the run with the Adrianos' young heir and an ancient manuscript containing a shocking historical secret. Pursuit was swift—and now, she had just hours to seduce the child's brooding bodyguard, keep the heir safe from his bloodthirsty family—and pull off a heist so impossible, it would surely be the death of her.Read More

from£5.25 | RRP: £3.38
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £7.48
  • 0373514204
  • 9780373514205
  • Lorna Tedder
  • 12 September 2006
  • Silhouette Books
  • Mass Market Paperback (Book)
  • 304
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