Dark Times in the City Kindle Download + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Dark Times in the City Kindle Download

Danny Callaghan is just out of jail and enjoying a quiet drink in a Dublin pub when two men walk in with guns. On impulse, he intervenes to rescue the intended victim, petty criminal Walter Bennett, and finds himself dragged into Dublin's murky underworld. As the police grope for answers and Danny struggles to protect those he loves, the rising tensions between the gangs threaten to erupt into a bloody showdown.Dark Times in the City portrays a society stumbling from prosperity to uncertainty - where cocaine and easy money have fuelled a ruthless gang culture and a man's impulsive decency may cost him the lives of those who matter most.Read More

from£7.19 | RRP: £2.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.80
  • TheBookPeople

    Danny Callaghan is just out of jail and enjoying a quiet drink in a Dublin pub when two men walk in with guns. On impulse, he intervenes to rescue the intended victim, petty criminal Walter Bennett, and finds himself dragged into Dublin's murky underworld. As the police grope for answers and Danny struggles to protect those he loves, the rising tensions between the gangs threaten to erupt into a bloody showdown. Dark Times in the City portrays a society stumbling from prosperity to uncertainty - where cocaine and easy money have fuelled a ruthless gang culture and a man's impulsive decency may cost him the lives of those who matter most.

  • ASDA

    Danny Callaghan is having a quiet drink in a Dublin pub when two men with guns walk in. They're here to take care of a minor problem - petty criminal Walter Bennett. On impulse Callaghan intervenes to save Walter's life. Soon his own survival is in question.

  • 0099532026
  • 9780099532026
  • Gene Kerrigan
  • 30 June 2011
  • Vintage Digital
  • Kindle Edition (Kindle Download)
  • 320
  • Kindle eBook
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