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Darwin's Universe: Evolution from A to Z Book
Offers an overview of the life and thought of Charles Darwin and his wide sphere of influence. This title illuminates the ways in which ideas of evolutionary biology have leapt the boundaries of science to influence philosophy law religion literature cinema art and popular culture. It contains more than a hundred essays.Read More
from£23.21 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £11.23
Darwin's Universe is the single best volume ever published that covers all matters Darwinian from A to Z. I have never so enjoyed a scientific book, plucking out gems of elegant narrative richly supported by photographs and paintings from the...
- 0520243765
- 9780520243767
- R Milner
- 14 July 2009
- University of California Press
- Hardcover (Book)
- 496
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