De Doctrina Christiana (Oxford Early Christian Texts) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

De Doctrina Christiana (Oxford Early Christian Texts) Book

The Doctrina Christiana (On the Teachings of Christianity) is one of Augustine's most important works. In particular it spells out just how far Christians may use the legacy of their classical pagan past. This translation has a brief introduction that takes into account recent studies. The book includes a freshly edited complete text.Read More

from£217.50 | RRP: £100.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £202.37
  • Product Description

    The De Doctrina Christiana ("On Christian Teaching") is one of Augustine's most important works on the classical tradition. Undertaken at the same time as the Confessions, it sheds light on the development of Augustine's thought, especially in the areas of ethics, hermeneutics, and sign-theory. This completely new translation gives a close but updated representation of Augustine's thought and expression, while a succinct introduction and select bibliography present the insights of recent research.

  • 0198263341
  • 9780198263340
  • St Augustine
  • 4 January 1996
  • Clarendon Press
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 320
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