Praise for Dealers, Healers, Brutes & Saviors "These revealing stories capture what it takes today to lead your company through a crisis." —Heath Meriwether; Publisher, Detroit Free Press "I urge all senior managers to read this book.… Most crises are sudden, with intensity building in a couple of days like a tropical storm. Gerry's wisdom will prepare you before it becomes a category-4 hurricane." —Dr. Ilker Baubars, Senior Deputy Dean, Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University "Dealers, Healers, Brutes, and Saviors is must reading for any executive, who too often does not recognize a crisis until it's too late. Gerald Meyers's keen insight into crisis management has been invaluable to many corporate CEOs, including me." —John R. Hall, Retired Chairman
… read more...of the Board and CEO, Ashland, Inc. "There's a huge range of responses that are feasible when you're faced with a crisis. Knowing how real people chose, acted, and succeeded in managing their crises is critical to solid decision-making. That's what this book is all about and why it is worth the investment." —Edward A. Snyder, Dean, The Darden School University of Virginia "Confronted by crisis, the successful leaders profiled in this fast-moving, readable book universally embrace risk, take charge, move quickly, often, save their companies." —James A. Henderson, Chairman and CEO Cummins Engine CompanyRead More read less...