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Demography Book
Paperback. Pub Date: Sep 6. 1976. Pages: 404 in Publisher: Camidge University Press Demography is the study by statistical methods of human populants involving the measurement of their size. Growth and diminution. the proportions living within some areas being born. Marrying. having children or dying and the related functions of fertility. nuptially and morality. This book begins by defining a number of concepts which are useful for demographic analysis. including the significant events in life and types of statistical data which are collected. published and used. It then describes the various kinds of change which can occur and the underlying causes - social. economic and political. The central section provides an account of the history of population growth and development. and of the situation on an international and national scale. Resources available for the support of m...Read More
from£25.50 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.05
Demography is the study by statistical methods of human populants involving the measurement of their size, growth and diminution. Demography is the study by statistical methods of human populants involving the measurement of their size...
- 0521290201
- 9780521290203
- Peter R. Cox
- 26 August 1976
- Cambridge University Press
- Paperback (Book)
- 404
- 5
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