Denise Austin's Ultimate Pregnancy Book: How to Stay Fit and Healthy in the Nine Months Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Denise Austin's Ultimate Pregnancy Book: How to Stay Fit and Healthy in the Nine Months Book

Denise Austin, popular television fitness celebrity and exercise-video leader, is also the mother of two little girls. She stayed in shape through her pregnancies, keeping meticulous records of how she did it, and she wants you to understand that you can, too. Denise Austin's Ultimate Pregnancy Book describes how to stay fit and healthy through each trimester, and how to bounce back after the baby is born. Austin includes health tips, nutritional information, an exercise routine appropriate for each trimester (including how to modify your favorite exercise choices), recipes, sample menus, weight advice, and beauty tips. After the baby is born, Austin shows you how to get back into shape, including how soon to start exercising and how to lose your baby fat, especially in the read more...
from£8.99 | RRP: £8.99
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Amazon UK £8.99 £0.00 £8.99 In stock Eligible for PRIME. (as of 17 Mar 25, 08:30 GMT) Visit Shop
Blackwell £12.13 £0.00 £12.13 (as of 17 Mar 25, 08:30 GMT) Visit Shop
Alibris £12.67 £2.79 £15.46 (as of 17 Mar 25, 08:30 GMT) Visit Shop
AbeBooks £15.58 £6.99 £22.57 (as of 17 Mar 25, 08:30 GMT) Visit Shop