Developmental Psychology: An Advanced Textbook Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Developmental Psychology: An Advanced Textbook Book

Developmental Psychology provides a perspective that illuminates substantive phenomena in psychology, applies across the life span, and has its own value as well as manifest relevance to everyday life. It is for these reasons that the editors undertook the study of developmental psychology and organized this introduction for advanced students. The chapters represent original, comprehensive, and topical treatments of major areas of developmental psychology that have been tailored into a uniquely broad and useful text for graduate and advanced undergraduate developmental psychology students. The success of the first two editions encouraged the editors to prepare and update this third edition. All chapters have been extensively revised, the section on methods has been streamlined, the section on social and personality development has been recast to highlight the development of the child in interaction with parents, peers, and institutions, and a chapter on cross-cultural developmental psychology has been added to the last section. Readers will obtain a new perspective on psychology, a greater appreciation of the varied phenomena that constitute psychology, and a fundamental grounding in developmental psychology itself.Read More

from£47.18 | RRP: £34.95
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £46.82
  • 0898599695
  • 9780898599695
  • Marc H. Bornstein, Michael E. Lamb
  • 1 February 1988
  • Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 694
  • 2nd edition
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