Can you remember all the parts of a cell? How about Newton's laws? And what exactly was Einstein's theory of relativity again? This book can answer all of your favorite child's questions about basic science. Despite its title, this authoritative reference guide is much more than a scientific dictionary. The entire world of science is thematically organized into 20 divisions such as matter, time and space, magnetism and electricity, chemical compounds, and energy. Within each subject division are further categories and then specific terms, with each term clearly defined and supplemented with additional explanations, photographs, diagrams, charts, and cross-references to related terms and subjects. From absolute zero to zero angles, The Dictionary of Science defines over 2000
… read more...terms and concepts. Neil Ardley has written over 90 books and is the co-author, along with David Macaulay, of the bestselling The Way Things Work. Ardley's definitions and crisp writing style make the most complex concept clear and comprehensible for science students and nonscientist adults, as well. (Ages 12 to adult)Read More read less...