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Distributed Simulation (Computer Science and Engineering) Book
Simulation is a multi-disciplinary field, and significant simulation research is dispersed across multiple fields of study. Distributed computer systems, software design methods, and new simulation techniques offer synergistic multipliers when joined together in a distributed simulation. Systems of most interest to the simulation practitioner are often the most difficult to model and implement. Distributed Simulation brings together the many complex technologies for distributed simulation. There is strong emphasis on emerging simulation methodologies, including object-oriented, multilevel, and multi-resolution simulation. Finally, one concise text provides a strong foundation for the development of high fidelity simulations in heterogeneous distributed computing environments!Read More
from£33.53 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £31.28
- 0849325900
- 9780849325908
- John A. Hamilton, David A. Nash, Udo W. Pooch
- 12 March 1997
- CRC Press
- Hardcover (Book)
- 416
- 1
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