Djuna Barnes, T.S. Eliot and the Gender Dynamics of Modernism (Studies in Major Literary Authors) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Djuna Barnes, T.S. Eliot and the Gender Dynamics of Modernism (Studies in Major Literary Authors) Book

Looks at the origins of the modernist movement linking gender modernism and the literary before considering the bearing these discourses had on Djuna Barnes' writing. This work explores the editorial changes that T S Eliot made to the manuscript of Nightwood as well as the revisions of the early drafts initiated by Emily Holmes Coleman.Read More

from£124.62 | RRP: £75.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £16.17
  • Product Description

      This study looks at the origins of the modernist movement, linking gender, modernism and the literary, before considering the bearing these discourses had on Djuna Barnes's writing. The main contribution of this innovative and scholarly work is the exploration of the editorial changes that T. S. Eliot made to the manuscript of Nightwood, as well as the revisions of the early drafts initiated by Emily Holmes Coleman. The archival research presented here is a significant advance in the scholarship, making this volume invaluable to both teachers and students of modern literature and Barnesian scholars.

  • 0415996260
  • 9780415996266
  • Monika Faltejskova
  • 4 November 2009
  • Routledge
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 240
  • 1st Edition
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