Doctor Who: The Forgotten Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Doctor Who: The Forgotten Book

Stranded in a strange Museum that's dedicated to him, and with no TARDIS in sight, The Doctor and Martha must make sense of their surroundings, hindered by one small fact - The Doctor has lost his memories of every one of his previous incarnations! With items relevant to each Doctor in their possession, The Doctor must try to use them to regain his memories before it's too late, starting with his earliest incarnation's memories, involving Susan, Barbara, and Ian... but quickly moving on to Zoe and Jamie, and more! This all-new series written by Tony Lee (Starship Troopers) features artist Pia Guerra in her first monthly comic since Y The Last Man.Read More

from£19.11 | RRP: £13.56
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £11.60
  • 1600103960
  • 9781600103964
  • Tony Lee, Kelly Yates
  • 8 April 2009
  • IDW Publishing
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 144
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