Don't Sweat the Small Stuff with the Family: Simple Ways to Keep Loved Ones and Household Chaos from Taking Over Your Life Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff with the Family: Simple Ways to Keep Loved Ones and Household Chaos from Taking Over Your Life Book

"While it's easy to allow little things to take over our lives, there are things we can do to make life around the house less stressful", writes Richard Carlson in Don't Sweat the Small Stuff with Your Family: Simple Ways to Keep Daily Responsibilities and Household Chores from Taking Over Your Life. In this collection of 98 brief essays, Carlson (author of Don't Sweat the Small Stuff...And It's All Small Stuff) meditates on small, but meaningful ways to avoid being overwhelmed by life, particularly family life. From Number 8: Make Peace with Bickering, to Number 14: Encourage Boredom in Your Children, to Number 72: Stop Exaggerating Your Workload, Carlson's messages serve as reminders for truisms most readers already know but have lost sight of in the bustle of daily life. Carlson's "ways" may be simple, but simplicity is not stupid--his book offers vital injections of wisdom. --Ericka LutzRead More

from£13.48 | RRP: £8.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.25
  • ASDA

    A collection of 100 strategies for greater peace with our families. It discusses deepening our appreciation of being with our families and learning to be an attentive parent. There is also advice for stay-at-home mums and dads on how to decrease stress when caring for children around the clock.

  • 0340728655
  • 9780340728659
  • Richard Carlson
  • 5 November 1998
  • Mobius
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 255
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