Don't Worry, Be Happy: A Child’s Guide to Dealing With Feeling Anxious Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Don't Worry, Be Happy: A Child’s Guide to Dealing With Feeling Anxious Book

Does your child appear to worry a lot? Do they experience episodes of feeling panicked and breathless? Perhaps they have frequent tummy upsets, or are irritable, tearful, angry or withdrawn? Do they have problems concentrating or show a loss of enthusiasm for their usual interests? These could all be signs that your child is struggling with anxiety. This practical guide combines proven cognitive-behavioural therapy methods used by child psychologists in schools with simple activities to help your child to overcome anxiety. It's aimed at children aged 7-11 because a lot happens in these years that can impact a child's emotional well-being, not just now but for years to come. Your child will be guided, with the help of little monster - a friendly and supportive character they can identify with - through fun and engaging activities which are interspersed with useful tips, inspirational statements and practical information for parents.Read More

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  • BookDepository

    Don't Worry, Be Happy : Paperback : Octopus Publishing Group : 9781786852366 : 1786852365 : 08 Mar 2018 : This practical guide for children aged 7-11 combines proven cognitive-behavioural therapy methods and fun and engaging activities, which are interspersed with useful tips, inspirational statements and practical information for parents, to help your child overcome anxiety.

  • 1786852365
  • 9781786852366
  • O'Neill, Poppy
  • 8 March 2018
  • Vie
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 144
  • Book
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