There are precious few pregnancy books a mother-to-be can tuck in her purse to read on the go, but Dr. Miriam Stoppard's New Pregnancy and Birth Book is one. Despite its compact size, this full-color volume packs an informational wallop--a boon for any mother who doesn't have the time to spend endlessly researching her condition. Where most other books describe in paragraph after paragraph, Stoppard's book shows, with detailed line drawings, full-color photographs, and lucid charts and diagrams. OK, so maybe it's bit disconcerting to see an image of an actual vaginal birth and the site where the epidural shunt tucks in. On the other hand, the line drawings showing the size of your child's hand as it develops will help you visualize that tiny life better than the commonplace
… read more...description that your child is now the size of a pickle or a strawberry. Stoppard hits on all the primary topics of concern--fetal development, maternal regimen changes, effect upon married life, latest birthing trends--without threatening information overload or overtly favoring any particular birthing philosophy. Of course, Stoppard is a doctor, which accounts for her careful explanation of medical terminology and shorthand as well hospital charts and diagrams. But even those women who don't plan to give birth in a hospital should find this book, especially its illustrations and pictures, immensely helpful. --Sumi Hahn Read More read less...