The darkspawn have returned and the drums of war beat once again. Are you prepared to heed the call? Highlights . Expanded Side Quests! Complete walkthroughs for every side quest list everything from maps to loot rewards. . Spoiler Alert: Spoiler warnings included throughout the guide. . Over 40 labelled maps! From the ancient dwarven fortress Kal'Hirol to the deadly Dragonbone wastes. . Full walkthroughs reveal pivotal story choices, puzzle secrets, and every quest stop! . Expert tips on how to maximize your new abilities! In the Basics chapter, learn how to navigate Amaranthine and the surrounding lands. Explore important game terms such as experience points, levelling, races, classes, skills, talents, and more. Suit up for combat with some fundamental strategy and tips, and study up
… read more...on how to best spend your points during character generation. A Grey Warden can train in the talents of a warrior or rogue, or tap into the spells of a mage. All three can decimate darkspawn; it's just about whether you want to have fun smashing hurlocks with sword and shield, slashing out of the shadows with twin daggers, or torching possessed corpses with fireballs. Master all three in the Classes chapter with our special levelling class guides that include specs on a tank, melee DPS, ranged DPS, healer, mage DPS, scout, and more. Chaotic free-for-alls will see you to an early grave. We show you the dos and don'ts of party combat, and the best engagement strategies for solo creatures, big mobs, boss fights, and ambushes. Comb through the Party chapter and you'll master group dynamics, threat, combat roles, engagement strategies, and tactics, among many other things. Use the Companions chapter to get into the minds of your trusted companions, learning what secrets they can teach you. Find out how to unlock them all for your party and how to make each the ultimate combatant. Companions covered include: Anders (mage), Justice (warrior), Mhairi (warrior), Nathaniel Howe (rogue), Sigrun (rogue), Velanna (mage), and one faithful companion from Dragon Age: Origins. Who is the Architect? Can the Dark Wolf thwart a plot on your life? How deep is the baroness's cruelty? The lands of Amaranthine aren't just about you and your companions; hundreds of lively non-player characters (NPCs) interact with you and shape this new region. The Supporting Cast chapter takes a peek at the most important faces around the land. The Equipment chapter will help you gear up with complete specs on all the new Awakening weapons, armour, accessories, gifts, runes, crafting and usable items, and more. Dragons, genlocks, hurlocks, ogres, and more return from Dragon Age: Origins. Uncover all the secrets of returning denizens, plus all the new Awakening creatures, in our complete Bestiary chapter. Everything you wanted to know about your Grey Warden quests is here in the Walkthroughs chapter, including super-detailed maps, run-throughs of every major encounter, boss strategies, treasure locations, and even where to find the resources to build Vigil's Keep into a massive fortress. To score some extra loot or uncover more of Awakening's secrets, seek out the side quests spread across the land from Vigil's Keep to the Dragonbone Wastes. The Side Quests chapter preps you on quest locations, destinations, rewards, and a quick walkthrough of how to complete each quest. Travelling across the countryside isn't always a stroll in the park. You may encounter bandits, blood mages, or even fen witches. Our handy Random Encounter chapter lists all the encounters, triggers, important plot points, and strategy tips on how to come out on top.Read More read less...