Dreamwalker Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Dreamwalker Book

Sizzling new paranormal erotic romance from the author of Enticed. A Dreamwalker trained by the U.S. to assassinate people through their dreams, and an incubus dutybound to stop the countryÂ?s enemies, Damon prefers seducing women in their sleep. A shapeshifter and master thief, Rory is a woman who is always up for a challenge. When a national security threat arises, the two must join forcesÂ?and their unique abilities. As they are quickly embroiled in a race against time, they must fight for their lives together. And as tensions mount, fate only knows if they can also fight their rising attraction.Read More

from£15.85 | RRP: £9.49
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £11.66
  • 0425219631
  • 9780425219638
  • Kathleen Dante
  • 6 May 2008
  • Berkley Publishing Group
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 320
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