Driving with Care: Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Driving Safety; Education-strategies for Responsible Living: Participant's Workbook Level 1 Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Driving with Care: Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Driving Safety; Education-strategies for Responsible Living: Participant's Workbook Level 1 Book

This three-level education / treatment program targets judicial clients who have been convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs and includes the following components: Providerâ??s Guide: Offers guidelines for developing individualized treatment plans and implementing appropriate education and treatment curriculum protocol Participantâ??s Workbook: Level I Education: Six-session, 12-hour DWI education program designed for first-time offenders Participantâ??s Workbook: Level II Therapy: 21-session, 42-hour program designed for clients with higher levels of AOD disruption and psychosocial problems who need intervention over longer periods of time Participantâ??s Workbook: Level II Education: 12-session, 24-hour education program for impaired driving offenders who have at least minimal indicators of past problems associated with AOD use or misuse and whose arrest blood-alcohol-content was at the impaired driving level Read More

from£18.88 | RRP: £20.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £40.90
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