Dwarfs (Warhammer) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Dwarfs (Warhammer) Book

The dwarfs are a stoic and long-lived race. Their unbending will and pride serve them as fearsome warriors on the battlefield and the greatest craftsmen across the Old World. But cross them at your peril as a dwarf grudge is never forgotten a quest for revenge handed down from generation to generation until the debt is settled in blood - In this action-packed omnibus the bravery and resilience of the dwarfs is brought to life as they wage war against the twisted powers of Chaos vile skaven ratmen brutal greenskins and their oldest adversaries the mysterious and powerful elves. From the ancient dwarf holds to the killing fields of the Empire war will be waged in the name of Grungni Grimnir and Valaya and no foe shall forget the day they met these unbreakable warriors in battle. Contains the novels Grudgebearer Oathbreaker and Honourkeeper.Read More

from£14.83 | RRP: £10.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
  • Blackwell

    An omnibus of tales featuring an iconic race of the Warhammer world. The dwarfs are a stoic and long-lived race. Their unbending will and pride serve them as fearsome warriors on the battlefield and the greatest craftsmen across the Old World.

  • 1849700486
  • 9781849700481
  • Nick Kyme, Gav Thorpe
  • 9 June 2011
  • The Black Library
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 768
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