EMQs in Clinical Medicine Second Edition Book
EMQs are a popular method of assessing how broad a knowledge of medicine an undergraduate has acquired. They can however be difficult to prepare for and the best way to build understanding and confidence is with practice. Presenting 100 key EMQs covering the core areas of medicine and surgery care had been taken by the authors to structure the questions and answers so that they reflect accurately the themes uncountered during study and specifically in final exams. Each subject covered is accompanied by a revision section which summarises key points and cross references them to other questions for revision purposes. Questions related to pharmacology an area which many students find particularly challenging are threaded throughout the book where relevant mirroring the integrated … read more...teaching methods common to most medical schools. The second edition of EMQs in Clinical Medicine has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect medical developments while retaining the clear and comprehensive approach and popular revision boxes of its predecessor.The authors' first-hand experience of EMQ-based examinations and awareness of the importance of reliable and accurate revision guides to medical students ensure EMQs in Clinical Medicine remains and invaluable resource for all medical students undertaking the clinical part of their training and an ideal companion during finals preparation.Read More read less...
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100 EMQ-style questions plus handy revision panels provide invaluable guidance and examination practice for those in preparation for medical finals and beyond EMQs are a popular method of assessing how broad a knowledge of medicine an...
- 1444121510
- 9781444121513
- Irfan Syed, Zishan Syed
- 26 August 2011
- CRC Press
- Paperback (Book)
- 304
- 2
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