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Edinburgh Reading Test: Manual Stage 2: A Series of Diagnostic Teaching Aids (Edinburgh Reading Tests) Book
Fully updated, streamlined, restandardised and now quicker and easier to administer to whole classes, the updated ERT series retains the diagnostic profiles which have always enhanced its value as an individual assessment and group screening instrument. Major new editions provide up-to-date norms (as both standardised scores and Reading Ages) and allow effective monitoring of progress in reading across the full ability range, from age 7 to 16+. Plus now with Scorer/Profiler CD-ROM giving computerised diagnostic profiling and a comprehensive package of individual and group performance analyses. The ERT series has long been popular with class teachers as well as special needs and support teachers wanting more than just a simplistic, global measure of reading attainment. The series comprises four overlapping tests (for ages 7-9, 8:6-10:6, 10-12:6, and 11:7-16+), each of which assess a range of different literacy skills (eg vocabulary, comprehension of points of view and sequences, etc) and which in turn provide an diagnostic profile highlighting each pupil's particular strengths and weaknesses. Unlike QCA national and optional tests, therefore, the ERT series yields meaningful diagnostic information that will inform teaching throughout each year, and are not designed solely for end-of-year assessment. ERT1-3 have all been restandardised on consecutive yeargroups within the same group of schools, bringing continuity, consistency and progression to the norms across the primary age range. These schools, from across the country, were themselves carefully identified to form a standardisation sample which, collectively, approximates closely to national average performance standards as measured by statutory tests at Key Stages 1 and 2. The tests now provide Reading Ages across a wider ability range, as well as standardised scores. "ERT2" has been extensively revised and shortened, making for quicker administration (in just two sessions of c35 minutes), easier scoring, and a simplified profiling procedure. Fully redesigned and reillustrated, the test now has a more accessible and pupil-friendly layout. As well as standardised scores and Reading Ages, "ERT2" provides a diagnostic profile of four key subskills in literacy: Vocabulary, Sequences, Use of context, and Comprehension of main ideas.Read More
from£37.80 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 0340799463
- 9780340799468
- Educational Assessment Unit University of Edinburgh
- 1 March 2002
- Hodder Education
- Paperback (Book)
- 32
- 4
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